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One happy smile - One happy life

Ni Hao,

That's hello in Chinese! How are you guys? I am so glad that I found the motivation and the time to write again on this blog. I have this thing where I am either lazy all day or productive all day. There is no in-between. Today, I am being productive :D

So, is it just me or do we love to complain about everything? I mean this whole thing about hating Mondays and loving Fridays is making us even more depressed than ever. What if you love your job and Mondays are as exciting to you as any other day. What if your best day on your schedule is Monday?

Also, whenever I am having a conversation with a friend or a classmate, I often hear them say "I am tired, even if I didn't do anything". It's weird how that phrase is so common now. We tend to get tired very easily and sometimes for nothing.

I feel like our world is loosing motivation and interest in everything. We do things because we have to and not because we want to. This is also why we get so easily impressed by people who are motivated and positive.

How many times you have seen pictures on insta or snaps of your friends taking a picture of themselves with a sad face and with a caption that says: "Monday mood" or "I need coffee". This is literally sad.

Also, when its raining, people tend to be more depressive. But, in some other places, people would die to have rain. (for example farmers in other countries where it hasn't rained since forever)

We are very much less thankful for what we have. This is so bad.

I know, life is hard, and sometimes it's okay to hate Mondays, sometimes it's okay to get tired. But our problem is that it's not just sometimes. It's every time. We hate every Monday and love every Friday. (Some people work on Saturdays too and so they probably don't love their Fridays as much.

We need to change that. We need to be more positive. Let's hate being negative and let's try to stay as positive as we can.

You can start this change now, it's Monday. Smile! ;D

Thank you so much for reading and I will see you next time! :D


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